MATLAB Introduction

As an introduction to the MATLAB language, Professor Banzaert gave us a few exercises to finish out of the first four chapters of the Physical Modeling in MATLAB textbook . Exercise 2.1: Fibonacci I Exercise 2.1: Fibonacci I Exercise 2.3: Car Update script Using the given percentage values of cars transferred between Boston and Albany and initial values of 150 at each location, the script updates the number of cars at each site from one week to the next. Exercise 3.1: Car Loop script Runs the car update script from one week to the next (for 52 weeks or a year), and plots the values for each location over the time. Exercise 2.3 Exercise 3.2: " " with Plotting Exercise 3.2 Using the car loop script in Exercise 3.1, prints and plots car loop script values with original initial values of 150 and new initial values of 1000. Exercise 3.5: Fibonacci II Sequence script Uses a for loop to compute the first 10 elemen...