Introducing... The Readout Electronics Project

If you've followed my main blog and online engineering portfolio this far, then you know a little about me already. If not, I'm Christina Holman. I just finished my first year at Wellesley College and I loved every minute of it. Throughout the year, I pursued my potential dual-majors in Economics and Electrical Engineering. I explored my passion for engineering and interests in other STEM fields, from electricity and magnetism to engineering fundamentals to multivariable calculus. I even took my first course in economics and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thus far, the future looks quite bright. I was fortunate enough to hear of the Science Center Summer Research Program and the few research opportunities in physics. I was even more fortunate to be selected to work under Prof. James Battat with his ongoing investigation into dark matter. Although the project is under the label of "Physics," many of the skills and knowledge deals with engineering principles, so I canno...