Creating the Works-Like Model

 Last class we worked on forming a "works-like" model of the energy bike, which focused majorly on the circuit board design. After trying out the diagrams we created in the class before then, we found out a parallel circuit caused too much power to be dissipated across the resistor (aka Too Hot!) and presented a safety concern. Though most electricians utilize parallel electrical circuits when building a home (to eliminate the possibility of one burnt-out light to dismantle all electricity), we decided to place the bulbs in series and it worked perfectly. The bulbs decreased in brightness as each switch for an additional bulb was turned on -- and vice versa. The next thing we have to do is create a "Looks-Like" model and order the supplies for our final prototype.


  1. Hey Christina!

    I like how you explained why certain circuits are used in a typical home in simple terms. Even if I already know why they are, it makes reading you blog simpler for an outside party who might not know. Nicely put.


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