Summer Internship 2016!
Long time, no talk! I have finally wrapped up my junior year of college: I am officially a rising senior - and it is still unreal to think about entering my final year of college. (To those entering or still in college: take advantage of every moment you have.) Fortunately, I will enter the fall semester with a bang! as I will have just ended an amazing summer internship in Praia, Cape Verde.
Cape Verde is an archipelago composed of ten islands in the Atlantic Ocean, sitting right off of North-West Africa. I was accepted as an intern for the Uni-CV Technical Investigation Internship through the Albright Institute (into which I have also been fortunately accepted for the 2017 program!) and funded by the Anchor Point Fellowship Fund. (A huge shout-out to them both.) There, I am pursuing TWO projects:
- Dam Poilao management: Working with the government to understand the technical and maintenance issues of the recently established dams on Santiago Island.
- UNI-CV connections: Meeting with engineering faculty at University of Cape Verde (UNI-CV) to lay groundwork for service-learning project collaborations with Wellesley faculty.
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