First Week of Work

For the first week of work, it was awfully busy: I felt sometimes like a "chicken with its head cut off." The very first day of work for Mackenzie and I, it was a bit slow: we were given two articles to discuss regarding our suggested subject (Water Productivity on Santiago Island) - but we met a lot of cool people who worked at INIDA and connections are key for success.

The third day, there was a bit of confusion regarding where we, "the Americans" as we've been dubbed, should be. We eventually ended up in a meeting regarding a Portuguese development organization (SKAN) that works in Portugal, Cape Verde, Angola, Brazil and Mozambique. Their projects sounded pretty cool and we might want to look into it for future collaboration projects with Wellesley. In the afternoon, though, we met with the members at ECCA to discuss our ideas of bringing ECCA students to help us collect information for our paper at INIDA - and they were receptive but also hesitant about pursuing projects that are not small. The professors also brought up a good point regarding student shyness, especially with foreigners or foreign language, so that is something to keep in mind. They also invited us to the first round of student presentations the following day. Hopefully we will be able to attend.
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