PoE: Beginning Lab 2
We're Making a 3D Scanner!
I don't know how we jumped from flashing LEDs to this project, but I have managed to be both excited and scared. Lab 2 requires us to rely quite a bit on our mechanics knowledge to design and build a pan-tilt project with two servo motors and an infrared sensor. Together, the mechanical object will collect dimensions of a foam-based letter and, then, use MATLAB to draw the 3D representation of the object. I have never worked with servo motors before but I have worked with MATLAB and sensor data. Again, with my partner Ashley, we will ensure that we do not fall behind on this project like the last one. (Plus, I am eager to see what I can do!)
Coding-wise, this project requires us to formulate a pathway through which the Arduino can send its sensor data to a graphing operation of the MATLAB software. Fortunately, I have found a video tutorial that explains how to go between both and do 3D visualization. (What would we do without YouTube...?) I have also found several Arduino tutorials for Sweep and Knob functions of the servo motors and will form the pan-tilt bracket. All in all, it looks like I am on to a great start for Lab 2 and we will get this done quickly!
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