After a telephone conference between Prof. Battat, Dr. Phillips and I on Tuesday morning, I had a list of items to do and look into, (in addition to preparing my first presentation next week):
- Design a signal generator system to test multiplexer system (series of dividers)
- Design buffer amplifiers given a resistance of 50Ω and a load resistance of 2kΩ
- Read into the evaluation board manual for the Cyclone 5 FPGA (and prepare to program)
I set off first to update my design of the multiplexer configuration with a 2-to-4 line decoder/demultiplexer as the logic system for SDs and a mod16 binary counter for the input lines (A0 and A1). We were about to go full circle on the counter system, back to the 4-input design I was working on, but this is absolutely simpler.

In working on the signal generator system as a simulation of the 16-channel mux configuration, I started with a solderless breadboard to test different series of resistances with a battery pack. After the mini-tests, it seemed that a 2.2k
Ω resistance worked best for a large divider system. I then converted the circuit to a protoboard and must wait to solder the pieces until we order a 16-pin ribbon cable connector. I also need to drill two small holes to mount an SMA connector onto the protoboard along with the divider system, the pin headers, and ribbon cable connectors.

Professor Battat was also nice enough to lend me a thick, comprehensive book on electronics and circuit design, with an entire chapter on amplifiers and gain. It will definitely come in handy as we start building the actual prototype and as I begin my self-scheduled
YouTube tutorial sessions on FPGAs.

On top of designing and learning a few schematics for these components, I'm preparing to present on the development of this electrical readout circuit to the Physics, CS, and Math science center group. As the other students and I haven't finished the project and next week is really the halfway mark, we most likely will be ending the 10-minute PowerPoint with a "Next Steps" slide or dialogue. I'm working on the slides now and figuring out my speaker notes as I go along, Fortunately, we'll have a practice session on Tuesday.
Wish me luck!
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